Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Democrats' "New Strategy"

The Democratic Plan That is Not Very Democratic

     Desperate times call for desperate measures, and if any party is "desperate", it's the Democrats. Trump's arrival and the new session of congress really have Democrats in a bind; being the minority party in both the executive and legislative branch of government is quite difficult. However, they seem to have a plan, and its not something anyone would have expected. Republicans in congress and Trump tend to disagree on bills and policies that don't lean too far into the right-wing conservative territory. When the Republican party in senate is forced to choose party alignment over Trumps wishes, that's when the Democrats swoop in for the votes. That's right, the Democrats' strategy is to vote in approval for Republican bills that the Republican party does not like, usually because the bill is actually rather moderate.

     The Republican party disagrees with Trump's positive views on topics such as spending more on roads, bridges, and rails, punishing American jobs that move overseas, and making paid maternity leave mandatory. You know what party supports these causes? Democrats. This alignment gives the Democratic party more immediate power in congress. This is a desperate attempt to win back white, working class voters who switched to the Republican party because of Trump. I see potential for a realignment of parties, spearheaded by the Democratic party themselves.

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