Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Wage Gap is a Hoax

For decades now, the wage gap has been one of the most popular topics of discussion between women in many fields of work in America, most notably, the medical field. It seems to be believed that women are paid just 78 cents to the men's dollar. However, this is simply not true. According to Hanna Rosin, on average, men work more hours than women, so we could be wrongfully comparing men working 40 hours to women working 35 hours. Women repeatedly use this false statistic to call for legislation like the Paycheck Fairness Act. I will use this information to spread awareness to working women in the country, and men as well, so they do not buy into the bogus wage gap "statistics" presented by the White House Equal Pay website. Karin Agness would certainly agree with me, as she says women should not take rely on the false gap to pass legislation. In an era of sought after equality between genders, equal wage is extremely important. It establishes the fact that men and women are truly equal in society and the economy. To reach this equality, the wage gap hoax must be vanquished and society should equally respect men and women in the workplace.

1 comment:

  1. The hyperlink is "wage gap" in the first sentence, as it was impossible to have the link function when it was in the title.
